Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guilded: Guild Wars 2's Lost (Shores) Weekend


Like many horror stories, Guild Wars 2's Lost Shores event started with something crawling out of the sea. It happened last Friday at noon. This was a terrible time to for something to happen in an online game. People who had jobs were at work; people who didn't have jobs were still asleep. Since I fit squarely into one those two categories, I missed the start. But for better and worse, I was there for the rest of it, all the way through to the alternately ugly and glorious ending, and you can bet I got more than a lousy T-shirt. Next time you're playing Guild Wars 2 with me, check out the awesome earring on my left ear.

That's No Crab

The thing that crawled out of the sea was called a karka. Imagine a crab with a colourful, barnacle-encrusted shell around a weird alien body. The weird alien body has a vagina-shaped toothy mouth. It's like the female counterpart to Half-Life's Gonarch, which is a combination of crab and testicle. I see so many orcs, dragons, and spaceships that I can't help but admire when a game developer comes up with something truly freaky. The highest compliment I can pay the karka is that it looks like he belongs in one of the Odd world games.


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A karka can lay eggs, which hatch hatchings, which then stick onto you like head crabs or face huggers, except they're not picky about where they stick. When you kill a karka, you haven't killed it. You have instead knocked off its armor, and now you get to fight it a second time to actually kill it.  

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