Sunday, January 6, 2013

DOFUS wishes you a happy New Year and double your XP!

    All the DOFUS team wishes you a happy New Year! We hope you’ll take the opportunity of a new year to stop hitting the Bamboo Milk and be even nicer with your dear pets. In time for a new year, we're giving you a double-XP week-end!

   Yes, you read it right, we’re talking about a double-XP week-end! On January 5 and 6,  all DOFUS servers will benefit from this bonus. Lousy Pigs, Blops and Koalaks are already shaking…

   Until then, you can party hard and enjoy the Fairy works you have just received on your account (Fairy works presents have been credited to all subscribed account).Buy Runescape Items

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